
I’m hoping for the same, but… where does the “value from the tech” come from? There’s plenty of innovative work the team are doing (technically speaking, and implementation/execution-wise) but the value _only_ they offer in the long run (given sites like this one, built on ATProto 💙) seems to be the Relays (they *require* scale to work well) and high scale hosting (Bluesky’s stated subscription service plan of higher quality videos etc). Storing data is a tough sell, as there’s only so much we all need for an “in the moment” platform. Controlling the information flow (ie. The Relay)? I can see *lots* of value for a company there, but in controlling it and/or marketing to people using it (the usual, old school, tech tactics). This is what worries me! I hope there’s something I’ve missed, or something we can *make* value from for them that’s aligned with openness!

i'm hoping the data attached to identity design creates extra power for the user inherently my understanding is not complete, but i think a music streaming service on atproto would potentially request the media from the identities of artists/labels rather than hosting it themselves i'm fairly convinced that this would change the dynamic remains to be seen how that materializes